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This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.


1. dennisgnosis - April 21, 2010

The first thing anyone needs to know about me is that I’m exquisitely married to my soul’s mate whom I met on e-harmony. I have three children by my previous marriage, son-daughter-son.
I’ve always wanted to go into space and see The Earth as God does. One day, I know, I will.
I love being human. I love being free to be optimistic and hopeful, knowing that the future is as secure and good as the God who gives me this Optimism and Hope. I love being free to enjoy all the beautiful pleasures that I was designed to enjoy, the way I was designed to enjoy them. I love being free to know when I’m doing something wrong and likewise, to know when I’m doing something right. I love being free to appreciate the beauty in other humans, seeing them through the soft-focused lens of love that our Creator sees them through. I love being free to learn Truth from my own sins, so I don’t repeat them, but, still gain from them a better understanding of how all the other humans feel that I share this planet with.
I love being free.
And because of that freedom, I give my life back to Jehovah, my God, who set me free through His Son, Jesus Christ and enabled me to know how good it feels to be both good and human. I am Eleutheros.

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